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Code of Conduct



We share a singular responsibility for maintaining the integrity and trust of the investigative profession.

In discharging this responsibility, we mutually pledge that:




§1. We will be faithful and diligent in carrying out assignments entrusted to us, and to determine the true facts and render honest, unbiased reports in reference thereto.


§2. We will endeavour to perform our professional duties in accordance with the highest moral principles.


§3. We will respect the best interests of our clients by maintaining a high standard of performance and reporting to our clients the full facts ascertained as a result of the work and effort expended whether they be advantageous or detrimental to the interest of the client; and that nothing be withheld from the client save by the dictates of law.


§4. We will labour diligently and unceasingly to elevate the standard of practices of our agency members and will not tolerate unscrupulous invasion of our business contracts with clients by any member who intrudes knowingly and wilfully for his own private advantage or financial gain to the detriment and/or injury of another member.


§5. We will at all times perform our duties within the bounds of the law and will not permit nor demand of any employee nor fellow members or clients any violation of the law or any manner of fraud.


§6. We will respect the rights of our clients and refrain from divulging information to newspapers or other publications without consent from our clients, in the protection of our clients and to prevent interference in the administration of justice or a fair trial in the courts.


§7. We will promote programs with educational intent designed to raise standards, improve efficiency, and increase effectiveness of the auditors, lawyers and  investigator profession.


§8. We will observe strictly the precepts of prudence truth and accuracy.


§9. We will promote and protect the interest of our fellow members and clients, and all members of the profession having knowledge of any unlawful or unprofessional practices of any other member or clients shall immediately inform the corporation thereof so that disciplinary action may be taken.



To read our complete Code of Ethics and Anti Bribery Clause, contact us.

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